
HAUNTING #1-6: ZOMBIE and GHOST Supernatural Horror Action

Created by Phil Falco (Lifeline Comics)

Teen necromancers, Bram & Faith, try to outrun their past...and a psycho Femme Fatale ghost hunter!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Physical Fulfillment is Underway!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 07:57:27 AM

We're happy to announce that fulfillment is underway. We are about halfway through packing, and hope to have packages all sent out by the end of Jan/beginning of Feb!

Share your hauls and thoughts! 

Support Our Current Campaign - Like Father, Like Daughter: A Superhero Drama Origin Story

A father with superpowers, leaves his wife and daughter to become “Invulnerable” - the world’s only superhero. Ten years later, his daughter discovers that she has inherited the very superpowers that made her father leave their family. 

Invulnerable isn't the only person keeping secrets! Casey's mom has been a villain this whole entire time as a lifelong KGB agent. But is being a villain or hero as black and white as we paint them out to be? 

Back This Project:


Locking Addressed + Physical Rewards
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 07:31:50 AM

Fulfillment Update

Good news, all!

We expect to receive the Physical books in the next week or so. This means that Physical fulfillment will begin soon. It's our goal to send out all packages by the end of January. We'll be sure to post another Update once fulfillment is complete.

In preparation, we have initiated the process to Lock Addresses on BackerKit. If you've already completed your BackerKit Survey, you should have gotten an email that gives your 48 hours to change your address before it's locked down for shipping. Be sure to update if anyone expects to change shipping addresses in the next month!

And if you haven't already, be sure to complete your Reward Surveys to receive both your Physical and Digital Rewards! If you lost your survey, you can recover it here:

Last Chance: A very special Variant Cover!

If you're looking for another Kickstarter to check out, our final campaign of 2023 is just about to come to a close - a Limited-Edition Variant Cover of one of our favorite comics!

HAUNTING/Like Father, Like Daughter #1 is a 44-page EPIC CROSSOVER between our supernatural horror series and our teen superhero series. It's a fantastic one-and-done story that serves as a complete oneshot, but featuring characters who have larger stories in their own ongoings.

This campaign is for our "Pride 2024" Variant Cover by Rafi de Sousa (same artist for the interiors of the crossover). Only 150 copies of this variant will be produced, and they'll only be available for purchase at our 2024 Pride Festival events - and on THIS KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN!

Check it out here:

Digital Rewards (Fixed PDF) + Reward Surveys are out!
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 12:42:30 PM

Hi all!

We're excited to share that HAUNTING #6 and your other Digital Rewards have hit your inbox! You just need to complete your Reward Surveys to access them! Details below.

HAUNTING #6 Reward Surveys and Digital Rewards are available!

Reward Surveys

BackerKit Reward Surveys were sent out today. All backers should have gotten a Survey link via their Kickstarter email. If you didn't get the link, you can recover your survey here:

Digital Rewards (+Fixed PDF)

Upon completing your Surveys, you'll receive a separate email with your Digital Rewards. Note that Digital Distribution won't occur until your survey is completed. Once completed, allow up to two hours for the PDFs to hit your inbox.

If you were one of the first to complete your survey, please note that there was an error with the original HAUNTING #6 PDF. The file was incorrect with only 4 pages. This was a mistake on my end, so I apologize for the inconvenience.

The PDF is now corrected, so re-accessing your Digital Rewards will give you access to the full 28-page PDF.

If anybody still has trouble with their Digital Rewards, feel free to DM me on Kickstarter or email me at: [email protected]

Physical Rewards

We expect Physical Rewards to follow in the next few weeks. The book is currently with the printer and set to arrive at the end of December. So expect to see your packages in January! We'll post another Update on Physical Fulfillment later on, so stay tuned!

We hope you enjoy HAUNTING #6 and your other Rewards!

And if you're looking for more Kickstarters to support, our current campaign "Slice of Life: Anime Adventure" ends this Thursday!

Slice of Life: Anime Adventure ends Thursday!

You can check that campaign out here:

And if you're into EXLUSIVE VARIANT COVERS, we have a short campaign launching soon for a super-limited edition print run of our HAUNTING/LFLD Crossover oneshot.

HAUNTING/LFLD Crossover gets a SUPER LIMITED new Variant!

You can follow the Pre-launch page for it here:

The Indie Bundle Is Here!
11 months ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 10:26:13 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

THANK YOU + Next Steps
12 months ago – Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 10:22:41 AM

Thank you!

Thanks so much for supporting HAUNTING #1-6!

Every time we launch a new HAUNTING, our biggest goal is to compete with ourselves and to beat our previous issue. And we're so excited that we just surpassed the backing of HAUNTING #5!

A huge thank you for helping to bring this project to life! We're so excited to share this next step in the HAUNTING journey with you. Without further ado, let's talk fulfillment!

Next Steps

Here's a tentative timeline for fulfillment of the project.

  • Early-to-mid November 2023: Indie Bundle + Reward Surveys
  • Mid-to-late Novemebr 2023: Digital Rewards
  • Late-January to early-February 2024: Physical Rewards shipped
  • March/April: Behind-the-scenes Stretch Goal Content shared

If opportunities to accelerate fulfillment present themselves, we'll definitely keep you updated! 

More Kickstarters!

Construkt #1

"A nobody bartender aspires to be a championship Token player and discovers she has a superhuman ability giving her an edge in the ring."

2Scale Studios has been hyping this launch for a few months now, and it's so awesome to see the project in all its glory! Definitely looking forward to giving his a read! The Kickstarter offers all kinds of really cool Rewards, including some awesome Limited Edition Statues. Be sure to check them out!

Back it here: